Prabuddha Ghosh
In the fluid realm of artistic identity, the biography of the artist often merges with their art itself, though occasionally a glimpse into the creator's life becomes necessary for contextualization. Prabuddha Ghosh, a self-taught painter and photographer from Pune, Maharashtra, has crafted his interpretation of time through abstract expressions, particularly in his 'Torrent of Consciousness' paintings, conceived during trance-like meditation.
Ghosh's belief in the transformative power of art aligns with his exploration of the self and meditation practice, which he sees as integral to his artistic essence. His work, rooted in the uncontrollable nature of time, aims to inspire conscious living and choice-making within life's inevitable journey.
While deeply engaged in his inner world, Ghosh remains connected to external realities, actively participating in photojournalism and collaborative artistic endeavors. His art, beyond mere decoration, serves as a spiritual canvas, inviting viewers to embark on a journey of inner discovery and consciousness expansion.
You can place an order here with the details of the artwork.
Lady with the Monkeys (Female Empowerment)
| Photography
| Photography
Night Sky
| Acrylic on Canvas
| 77 x 90 cm
| Acrylic on Canvas
| 46 x 90 cm
| Photography
Buddha at his Enlightenment (Ajanta)
| Photography
Light at Golkunda (Light and Shades)
| Photography
The Face
| Photography
| Photography
The Look (Waiting)
| Photography