Kristen Palana


  • I'm an American/Portuguese interdisciplinary artist living in Malawi, Southern Africa. I create images that can be used as wishes or creative visualizations for positive things like good health, love, protection, abundance, success, etc.

    I believe colors and patterns can help heal emotional wounds, conjure up energy, and serve as vehicles for spiritual connection and growth. Symbols and characters acting out narratives can educate, tell stories, and inspire personal reflection and even positive social change. I aim to use colors that evoke strong emotions and to utilize symbols and patterns that have cross-cultural significance.

    Having lived in Asia and Africa since 2016, I’m drawn to the patterns and colors found in traditional clothing, baskets, ceramics, and local handicrafts made from raw and natural materials. Western influences include stained-glass windows as well as the bold dark outlines found in cartoons and graphic novels.

  • You can place an order here with the details of the artwork.




Judah Jibrin


Michel Zamakoy